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Southeast Texas Mental Health Conference

Please join us for this upcoming Mental Health Conference hosted by Region 5 ESC. McKinney-Vento Liaisons and LEA staff are encouraged to attend. Please register on the Region 5 website.
Region 5 McKinney-Vento Program - Children & Youth Experiencing Homelessness

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act ensures the educational rights and protections of children and youth experiencing homelessness. 

The federal education definition of homelessness is Individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This may include those who are:

  • sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;
  • staying in motels, trailer parks, or camp grounds due to the lack of an adequate alternative;
  • staying in shelters or transitional housing;
  • or sleeping in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, or similar settings.

Resource: Infographic on the education definition of homelessness.

Resource: 42 USC CHAPTER 119, SUBCHAPTER VI, Part B: Education for Homeless Children and Youths


All Local Education Agencies (LEAs), also referred to as school districts, are required by the McKinney-Vento Act to designate a district liaison to assist children and youth experiencing homelessness with enrollment in school, as well as ensuring all services that the student is entitled to are received. 

For more information, contact your local McKinney-Vento Liaison or reach out to Region 5 ESC by emailing

Region 5 McKinney-Vento District Liaison Directory


Family Resources

Are you looking for family resources?

Click below to access family resources such as district McKinney-Vento Liaison Directory, community services, mental health resources and much more.

¿Buscas recursos familiares?

Haga clic a continuación para acceder a los recursos familiares, como el Directorio de Contactos de McKinney-Vento en su distrito escolar, los servicios comunitarios, los recursos de salud mental y mucho más.



McKinney-Vento Resource Guide 

Click below to access the Region 5 McKinney-Vento Resource Guide.  This guide has many resources and community-based organizations throughout the Region 5 area that are ready to serve Southeast Texas.  


For more information, visit the Texas Education Agency TEHCY website by clicking below.  The site has many current resources and also has a complete list of all Texas ESC Regional McKinney-Vento Liaisons and current training and resources. 



McKinney-Vento Posters

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has released two versions of the McKinney-Vento posters.  One to assist parents of school-age youth and a second to assist unaccompanied youth.  The posters are available in both English and Spanish. 

Local Education Agencies (LEAs) can download the digital files below and post this information on their LEA homeless education program webpage.  LEAs should collaborate with their school staff and community partners (e.g. food pantries, faith-based organizations, local housing authorities, shelters, etc.) to share printed copies of this poster.  


Liaison Corner – Resources for Liaisons

If you are a McKinney-Vento Liaison and you are looking for guidance documents, sample forms or McKinney-Vento posters, you have come to the right place. Click below to access many resources selected just for you!  You can also reach out to Region 5 ESC for more information or assistance.  


Technical Assistance to LEA Liaisons

Click the link below and complete the short form.  The Region 5 McKinney-Vento staff will be notified immediately and will contact you to as soon as possible.